When there comes a time in your life when everything seems to be going wrong don’t think it’s the end of the world, life can and will get better. About a year or so ago my life was not the best place to be I was lonely and for the most part my social life was not existent. I had tons of people around me for the most part but I was lonely more than anyone was. But no one knew this I had the smiles going at all times was still the most fun person to be around, I didn’t let it eat me away no did I allow it to have the better of me, as I always hope and pray that things would have gotten better soon. So when I though thing was just about to get better it went for the worst, the girl I was dating broke up with me which totally devastated me, in the same week my car was stolen then I think its times to just start running, and keep running until I end up something hot and peaceful. But that I didn’t I had hope still, I still believe things would have gotten better they did not when I expected it, I guess for people who believe in god this would be when hey say god answers prayers not when you think he should be when he know we need it.
A few months passed and I can now say I am the happiness I have been in my life, the same girl that broke up with me and I got back together this was one of the happy moments to begin with then we went on a few short trips, I am all for travelling, I love just getting up and going away, so we have our cruise coming up next weekend and I am so excited about it, we will be flying to Florida to meet up with my best friend that I have not seen in seven years!! Then we will be catching the boat, our cruise is going to Belize, Mexico, Costa Rica, and Panama, I have been to Mexico but it still find it fun every time I go so I really don’t mind as for my girl this will be her first time on a cruise so she is really excited.
My car was stolen so I went back to my old car, but today I got my new BMW which I am really happy about its my favorite color which is dark blue, with tan interior just love it. So in all life is getting better and I am happy about it, I did not give up and therefore my life is better today. I really hope you all have excited things planned for this summer. See you guys when I get back.