Woke up 630 to catch my 8 o clock flight to Miami, in order to catch my cruise which will be sailing at 5pm
Garb in a pink dress short sleeve shirt and short white pans with white loafers. It’s raining like crazy in New York and I know people mush have seen me and wondering what the hell am I doing in white pants on a rainy day. If only they knew I was about to be sailing to the Caribbean namely the Bahamas and the coccay island.
As my friend drove me to the airport in my mind was that horrible flight I had on delta which had us stuck on the runway for about 5 hours, and all the fed us was the smallest bottled water I have ever seen along with some peanuts!
Then the air France flight that went missing, forgive me for being such a pessimist but every time I fly I think about the worst that could happen.
I got to the airport the stupid barcode thing they have that suppose to read your passport was for some reason not reading my passport.
Then I walk about 10 minutes thinking I could carry on my luggage , suddenly this lady told me to put it in this iron tray she has, which for me was a first, what it actually does is measure the size and determine if you need to check it in. So off course it was too big, so here I am walking back another 10 minutes to check my bag in, got to the machine only to be told I need to pay 15bucks. I wonder if it was just me or I haven't flown in a long time or maybe its just because I always travel light! If you’re actually fallowing you would have seen that this iron thing was put in place as a cash cow. For the air line, I travelled in January and I brought the same piece of luggage, I carried it on board paid no freaking baggage check fees!! Now an American airline is charging me baggage fees.
After about 2.5hours I was in Miami, the most shocking thing was how hot the freaking sun was, it felt as though the sun was forcing me to the grown.
Got in a so call yellow cab to the port, noticed that the meter is not working. Didn't pay much mind to that, I just had to pay whatever he said. Which was not all that bad just 24bucks? I had already did all my paper works online so got on the boat in less than five minutes after going through security.
This is my first time aboard a cruise ship. Its one of the most beautiful thing I have ever seen, the pools on the deck so dam sweet, the music is great the people are so friendly, so being that I live in New York where the sea water is black I was really happy to see clear sea water. I had to wait for my luggage a little so I went to the bar and ran into this guy I also saw on my flight.
This guy works for a TV station which ill not mention, he was suppose to be going to Venezuela for work, but instead he took his mistress on this cruise. While his wife and job is there thinking he is on his way to work. This guy however is very smart he made sure they didn't share the same seat. This young lady is very beautiful I have to admit, as she also was suppose to be at work but called out to be on the cruise, they both work for the same TV station.
A few hours pass and I went down to my room which was on the seventh deck, my luggage was finally here, got out my chunks and in the pool I went, while there in the pool I met this lovely young lady, she was also from New York. What was funny about this is that if we were ever in New York we would not have met, she actually lives in close proximity to where I live.
We set a sail about 5pm that evening, but this time I was having so much fun I didn’t even realize that the ship was moving, the alcohol on the boat is very cheap, so I got started very early there is bars like on every corner of the 11 deck, with waiter walker by ever 2 second to find out if you want anything. Its just great hospitality, don’t you think or plain as simple a great business idea?
5 Am at morning time we were in the Cocay Island,I woke up about 8o clock catch a bath and head to the 11 deck to have breakfast which was lovely. The view from the restaurant was so beautiful you could see the little Island just sitting there in the large body of water, palm tress blowing from side to side as the wind passes threw them.
I took up the event calendar for the day and already by a quick brose I knew what I was getting into, numero uno Parasailing! i have never done this before always wanted to try it, its cost $95 but what the hell I don’t care it’s a new adventure I always wanted to try and so did.
The second thing I did was took a tour of the island on a skee bike, normally tours are very slow and boring but this was seem like we were running from the FED’S on speed boats in the high sees, it was very informative and fun. I herd they have very beautiful see life and great coral reef so my next even was snorkeling.
So I hurried over to the booth and rented my gears and went through the information session they had, normally you have to swim a while before you see anything eye catching this was not the case here, you could see the beautiful fishes before you even entered the water, with the water being crystal clear.
So I got on my gears headed out and boy I was awed by the beauty, the fishes weren’t running away from you, they were just there swimming in schools, I went a couple feet out and there were sting rays and all sort of fishes I have never seen before. On this island was also a plane recks, it’s not been touch and this is also a beautiful site so see while snorkeling.
I snorkeled for about 6 hour’s before i got out the water , and that’s because I was starving, on the island they had a barbeque the cruise line that is, which all sort of food, so I went got some food and some more alcohol and back in the water, no I just cant have enough of this place.
But before I know it was time to head back to the boat, we had to set sale to The Bahamas at 7, “I don’t want to leave but I got to go right now”, was the song that popped in my head as they announced that the last boat was leaving back to the ship in about 10 minutes .
So I grad my towel headed back to the boat with sun burn all over my face neck and back, o just so you guys know I told my job I was going to the doctor on Friday and dentist on Monday and Tuesday I took a person day off. So here I was well burn up in the sun, thinking what the hell will I tell my manager when I sees me. lol
At 7 at night the boat set sail, there was in party in a club on deck 8 which was the deck my room was also on, I got dress headed over there and this party was surely popping, with all this crazy people and cheap booze you could not expect less. I called over waiter and got started on a couple shots of patron and I went in on the dance floor. We danced for about 7 hours’ the music went off about 7 am in the morning when we arrived in the Bahamas.
Paradise Island, well I have always heard about the Atlantis and I always wanted to visit and so here I was finally, the hotel cost $500 a night to stay but with all those activates on the ground you just can’t complain about the price, I went on a tour of the property saw all sort of sea life, went on a water slide that actually bring you through a shark tanks which was crazy but fun.
Here I was on the final day thinking dam I am going back to work tomorrow, my days in paradise I finally over and I will be heading back to the concrete jungle in a few hours. Then the story I would have to make up for my manager.
10 am the next morning I was in the Miami area got a message from my manger that I need to call him, see I am still at sea but reality is kicking in, I ignored that message as I am at the dentist right at least so he though. In quick succession another one came in more authoritative I was set back as I can’t call by this time I am in the Miami Airport waiting on my flight, what the hell I mistakenly answered and he herd. Flight #D33 heading to New York now loading lol that would be nuts.
I had a great time…..If you have never been on a cruise start thinking about it, its very affordable and you really missing out.
I will be going on one more before the summer it out.
o men i cant be bothered with these pictures they just not coming out good,just click on them to enlarge.sorry i am getting impatient i got a lot more i wanted to share but i have a power point presentation i have to write an present tmrw....i really hope you guys enjoy it.